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2011 Racecars
Welcome to the new age of racecar lettering and racecar wraps. Overnight Wraps is taking the motorsports industry to the next level. Overnight Wraps has a professional and experienced design team to ensure your vehicle is done right and done fast. In racing NEW is best, and we will strive to make NEW best for you. New products for 2010 include the special effects series which contains a Metallic-Ice effect and Carbon Fibre effects. Our Helmet Wraps are the hot item for 2010. Overnight Wraps is one of only a hand full of companies who are experienced enough to wrap helmets. Overnight Wraps has taken design to the next level, and brought the price down so that the average racer can afford a custom helmet wrap.
We offer Our Customers something that most graphic companies do not and that is our concept wraps. There is alot of drivers that dont no what they want, we do this to give them more of an idea of color combinations and graphics. Keep checking back as we are always adding our concept designs.